If you are struggling with growing your listing inventory, pay attention.
We recently held a Google+ Hangout where customers could ask us questions about Mojo workflow and data management when using the Mojo Real Estate Dialer. What started as a tutorial of sorts, soon turned in to a great discussion on the major mistakes Real Estate agents make when beginning to prospect for listings. Thankfully, Bill Gross, Productivity Coach for Century 21 Masters, was on the call and lent us a much needed helping hand on the topic. What we found was agents spend too much time focused on lead sources far less productive than the one in their back pocket, their past clients and SOI.
“I will say the most common mistake is NOT CALLING! Less than 5% of agents I talk to actually have a plan to call everyone they have met and actually do it. Of those that say they call, the biggest mistake is not calling often enough.” ~Bill Gross, Productivity Coach, Century 21 MastersNow, this post isn’t about us regurgitating what real estate coaches have been teaching for years; that your past clients and SOI are a source you must cultivate to be successful in Real Estate, but we do want to share one statistic for you to focus on: 10% of your past client and SOI/COI database WILL do business with you annually. That is pretty impressive! It goes without saying, agents that continually produce above average results, continually cultivate a large past client and SOI database.
That being said, agents must put a lot of effort in to calling on these gold nuggets right? Well, no. Bill, who works with a ton of agents, had this to say, “Less than 5% of agents I talk to actually have a plan to call everyone they have met and actually do it. Of those that say they call, the biggest mistake is not calling often enough.” Bill points out that a big reason why agents don’t call enough is that they fear they come off too ‘salesy’, which might be true if calling to sell a product such as Insurance or widgets, but in the case of the Real Estate agent, he makes the point that you are selling your prospects that you are a great salesperson; you cannot call too often. What about leaving messages? Well, Bill recommends to his agents they call at least three times and if no contact is made, then go ahead and drop a message.
Don’t let the management of your database be a barrier to 10% more business! Let Mojo’s Real Estate Dialer handle it for you.
One of the things Bill mentioned on the call is how technology and data entry are two things he tells his agents prevents them from efficiently prospecting their databases. Agents need a simple way to track who should be in their past client and SOI database, who they have contacted, and who they have not. For example, if your broker or coach wants you to touch your database every quarter, you will likely load up your database and start dialing from the top down. This is a great way to get started, but what happens if you do not call all the way through the first day? Or let’s say you do, how do you track who you actually made contact with so you don’t call them again the next day? Managing this task is one of the major barriers agents have to calling on their database. The Mojo real estate dialer makes these barriers disappear.
Mojo’s Real Estate Dialer is the ultimate past client and SOI touch machine!
Importing Data
Agents can export their databases out of their favorite contact management program and then easily import the resulting file into the SOI group inside the Mojo Dialer. Top Producer users will enjoy updating their past client and SOI records in real-time while dialing thanks to our new Top Producer data push. Call, make contact, take notes and push the new data back to Top Producer with the push of a button. Additionally, Google users can set up our new Google Contact Sync to sync their contacts from the Google Cloud directly to Mojo, eliminating the need to export/import, and just like with the Top Producer data push, any updates you make to your contacts will be updated in Google.
Calling your database
You’ve got options with the Mojo Dialer. You can call using 1, 2 or 3 lines (most clients recommend single line dialing for past clients and SOI) and you can call them from our web-based Mojo Dialer OR from our breakthrough iPad app, Mojo on the Go!. That’s right, imagine sitting in your favorite coffee shop, touching your past clients and SOI from our easy to use iPad application, no clutter, no distractions, just relationship building at its finest.
Advanced Dialing Filters
The ability to massage your past client and SOI database is super important, it makes the data entry involved simply disappear. Our array of filters are specifically designed to take all the guesswork out of who you should be calling and when – you simply decide which ones to use.
Not Dialed:
The not dialed filter eliminates the need for our users to track who they have dialed and who they have not. By setting the not dialed filter, users can pick up right where they left off in the list. By choosing a time frame such as ever, today, this week, this month or this quarter, users can only load contacts not dialed based on their needs.
Example: Let’s say you wanted to call your database every quarter. On day 1, you dial through half of your list before moving on to other tasks. On day 2, you would simply choose Not Dialed> this quarter and the Mojo Dialer would only begin to call contacts you have not dialed this quarter, ignoring the contacts you dialed the day before.
Not Contacted:
The not contacted filter is the ultimate calling filter. With our real estate dialer, we keep track of who you have and have not contacted and with this filter, you can manage your past client and SOI database calling like NEVER before! Using the same time frame options as the not dialed filter, users can filter out everyone they have contacted, and only leave the folks they have NOT contacted. This is the not dialed filter on steroids, we all know simply dialing people is not enough, you need to make contact and this filter allows agents to concentrate on those contacts they have not made contact with.
Example: Let’s say you wanted to contact all of your past client and SOI contacts each quarter. For the first 3 days of the quarter, you dial through your entire past client and SOI database and reach the end. Well, you’re not done; the chances of you actually talking to everyone in that list are very low. So, on day 4, you simply load the list again and this time you select the Not Contacted> this quarter and the Mojo Dialer ONLY calls the contacts you have not make contact with. A sure fire way to ensure you are penetrating your lists completely, and without EVER reimporting your data again OR keeping track of your contacts manually; pure prospecting euphoria.
Drop Message:
The drop message filter ensures you don’t drop the same message on a contact twice. Simply choosing this filter and the message you want to drop, the Mojo Dialer will eliminate anyone from your calling list you have already dropped this message on, eliminating the need for you to manually track this.
Example: Using Bill’s recommendation above, you can dial through your past clients and SOI easily using our not dialed and not contacted calling filters, sifting through your data until you have the contacts who are just not going to pick up the phone. You’ve called them three times and you are now ready to drop messages. You load up your past client and SOI calling list and choose the Drop Message>’touching base message’, the message you want to start dropping. When you choose ‘start dialing’, ONLY the contacts you have not dropped this message on will be called, giving you the level of comfort you need knowing you aren’t dropping duplicate messages.
These are just a sample of the dialing filters available in the Mojo Dialer but you can see how, by using just these three filters, you can easily and automatically, saturate your past client and SOI contacts. NO importing them over and over, no manually keeping track of who you’ve called, who you’ve contacted or who you’ve left messages for.
What are you waiting for? You’ve likely been leaving money on the table, fire up our real estate dialer and go claim it!