insurance sales star: “the mojo dialer replaced my entire call center!”, ethan selph3

Insurance Sales Success: How The Mojo Dialer Transformed My BusinessInsurance sales star: “The Mojo Dialer replaced my entire call center!”

Over the years, Utah’s Ethan Selph has sold satellite dishes, cable TV packages, security systems, water filters and prepaid legal services on the phone.

Today, he’s one of the rising stars in the health insurance industry, sharing advice to other sales people how to maximize their chat time. To Selph, it doesn’t matter what you are selling as long as you don’t come across as the stereotypical sales guy.

“Don’t sound like a total marketer,” he suggests. “I don’t even mention the name of my company. I say, ‘Hey, it’s Ethan’ instead of trying to come across as some big corporation. I try to sound like the Joe down the street.”

Another tip to project confidence: Don’t think of yourself as “bothering” or “interrupting” the people on your prospect list.

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