I am proud of our Mojo customer service team.

Mojo Customer Service is Not an Easy Task

There are many hats worn here at Mojo; one of the hardest to wear is customer service. Mojo customer service agents go non-stop the moment our tech line goes live. In addition to answering incoming tech calls, our customer service folks are responsible for responding to support tickets and other emails throughout the day. Add to this the burden of supporting thousands of clients, from various industries, with varying degrees of technical aptitude, our customer service agents are more like ‘keep everyone happy Ninja’s’.

I write this post for this reason: to recognize and thank the members of our customer service team for giving 110% to their role here at Mojo.

“There is nothing better than Mojo.”

I recently received feedback from a client I’d like to share. I apologize for its length. It is full of awesomeness:

“I am a real estate prospector that has used every dialer under the sun, and trust me when I tell you, there is NOTHING BETTER THAN  MOJO. It is wonderful and I wouldn’t be as successful or as happy as I am dialing and setting these appointments without it.  What I love about Mojo is it is extremely user-friendly and reliable, very affordable, the technical support is better than having a best friend in IT (yup you Andrew! and everyone that has helped me there so quickly and efficiently and always available with never a long hold time!!!). They are always sending webinars on latest features (like that newer email feature). If you love to work fast, efficiently and have a lot of great conversations every day- Mojo is the way! Anytime I dream up a feature or something new to do to better interface with my sellers, I call and suggest it to Andrew and then he says “Oh, well, Mojo already offers that, here let me show you how you can do that, it’s really easy…” It is amazing like they read minds!  Thanks Mojo, for everything! Don’t know where I would be without you! keep up the fine work! ~Lu”

While I am privileged to watch the Mojo Customer Service team in action every day, emails like this tell the story – and the real impact their work has on our clients.

The numbers speak for themselves

If you’ve ever called into our customer service team, you probably already know they rock. Just like in sales, though, the numbers tell the story. Check out these reports taken from our inbound phone and ticketing systems:

Year-to-Date Inbound Call Report

Mojo customer service

Our inbound phone provider experienced some growing pains this year, and even with a 5-week period where calls would come into us but not actually ring our lines, the team still achieved an average wait time of 1:02 on over 47,000 answered calls.

This is a great number, and it shows our customers are not waiting to answer their questions – which means they spend more time prospecting!

Year-to-Date Ticket Report

mojo customer service

These numbers blew me away – 59% of tickets are responded to within an hour, and 12% are responded to within 1-4 hours. This equates to 71% of our tickets being responded to same day, with the majority under an hour- stats most customer service companies only dream of. More impressive, these ticket numbers account for the time we are not in the office, including weekends.

Considering the volume our customer service agents handle, the label of Ninja really does fit.

Mojo Customer Service is not just answering phones and tickets

The team doesn’t just answer calls and respond to emails and tickets. A big part of their job is keeping up technically with the many enhancements and improvements we make to the Mojo system – so that when you call in for support, you get accurate answers and details on how Mojo can further enhance your business.

I’ve called the cable company, HP, Nikon, and many other support teams and felt like I was just a number stuck in a long wait cycle. It’s a great feeling knowing our clients don’t experience the same frustration.

My hats off to the Mojo team – thanks for all you do!


If you want to learn more about our approach to customer service, check out this blog post for a more intimate look.